Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are great ways to get a message across or simply to be informative. Wikis are more commonly known to be used as an informative source. According to Wikipedia, “a wiki is a website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser.” (Wiki n.d) In my opinion, this is a great way for people to get together and share their knowledge. It works out well because if one person doesn’t know something or is missing some information, another person can add it and share their knowledge.

Blogs can be considered as more of an “open environment.” As seen in the NY Times article, “Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blogs” one of the Wal-Mart employees, a Microsoft rep openly blogs like he’s writing in his diary. He casually blogs things such as “My life has not changed dramatically – well, for that matter, it hasn’t changed at all.” (Barbaro 1) This goes to show how people can be so open when it comes to blogs as opposed to wikis. Blogs can be used as a great way to collaborate as people can also comment and offer feedback on posts giving various inputs to a certain topic/subject. In addition, convergence in today’s world is a very important topic and can be considered useful as it helps us all connect and share ideas. Additionally, technology can be considered a major factor as it aids us in helping us connect with one another. A new use for a wiki that hasn’t been created to my knowledge is one for all cars. This wiki would be used to get all the specs for any car serving more as a factual database. Currently different forums exist for specific cars in more a blog style where people talk about cars so this wiki would be a great idea for users to get information on any car of their choosing. 


  1. It is a very interesting post. I think your idea about the new way of using wiki would work really well. For instance, I, as a buyer, would do the research before I'd buy the car, but this research would mostly be based on the descriptions the seller provides itself. But it would be completely different if I could log in onto the wiki and see people actually sharing their experience on that specific car I'm planning to buy. More information - better decision. Thanks for sharing your ideas!


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