
Since the creation and the continuing advance of new media, many can say communication has become “easier” in terms of getting a message or information across. Baruch College in my opinion may have some issues getting a message or information across. While Baruch e-mail might be handy for critical information, Baruch sometimes fails to update students on non-critical campus related events. I would use new media in the form of several T.V. screens (all connected using the internet so they all update at the same time from one source) in the hallways of each floor with events specific to that day. This way students always know what’s going on in their college that day. In addition, another way I would use new media to improve Baruch College is establish one main Baruch social media account for each social media platform with all campus related events as opposed to multiple social media accounts only specific towards a certain club, which is what we have now. 


  1. Hey Gurminder- I hate how Baruch always notifies the students about news and updates late. I remember for one of the snow days earlier this year, all of the CUNYs received a notification that they won't be holding class due to the weather, and Baruch was the last of the CUNYs to notify the students. I like how you'd want the school to go about improving their notification system. I think it's something everyone in the school would definitely like.


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