
Without a doubt, it has become safe to say that privacy and confidentiality have become big topics with the rise of new media. As branches of new media such as social media continue to grow, more and more people begin to use them and at times may post up their confidential information or something they want to keep private within their followers or friends. Putting up confidential/private information on social media can even make you prone to hacking as hackers can use the information they find on your social media accounts such as birthday, hometown, etc. to obtain your password using the “forgot password” option. In addition, sometimes the privacy information can just be confusing, and you misuse it not knowing. An example can be seen by The Atlantic article “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private” by Rebecca Greenfield.  Greenfield talks about how Mark Zuckerberg’s sister posted a picture on Facebook that she intended to be only shared with her friends. Due to a mix-up in her privacy settings, this picture was available for everyone to see and she became quite upset about it. This shows how privacy can be an issue with social media. 


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