
Showing posts from 2017

Next New

New Media can be defined as a way of mass communicating with the use of the internet. It can take many forms with examples including computer games, social media apps and other forms of multimedia. After brainstorming a bit, I thought of a form of new media that I feel can prove to be very beneficial and can soon be the next big thing. Right now, through our banking apps, we can directly send someone with the same bank money. (Ex. Chase Quickpay). If we want to send someone money with a different bank, (Ex. Chase to Citi) we run into a problem and would have to use a third-party service such as Venmo or the Cash App. But wait, what if the other person doesn’t have the third-party app such as Venmo or Cash app. Then the individual would have to install the extra app and create a new account. Personally, I feel seamless banking solutions such as having the ability to send someone money with a different banking provider directly through your banking app over a secured network will be the

Wiki So Far

After browsing through our class wiki, I found many interesting topics I read about. The two pages that peaked my interest are the social media page and the mobile devices page. The mobile devices page does a great job on explaining the general concept of what mobile devices are and gives a few great examples. I’m currently doing research on the effects these mobile devices have on us. I plan to edit the page and add the pros and cons mobile devices have on us.


File sharing has been an important concept for many years, whether it’s in the work place, at school, or even at home. File sharing can be defined as the act or ability to share files from one computer to another over a network or the internet. Many different items can be shared such as documents, e-books, and multimedia (audio/video). One type of file sharing is P2P file sharing. This can be defined as a platform/software program that allows users to access media files, whether its books, movies, songs and much more. Some examples of P2P file sharing platforms include LimeWire, iMesh and RapidShare. According to New York Times article “Should Online Scofflaws be Denied Web Access?” by Eric Pfanner, some P2P File sharing platforms such as RapidShare are causing problems. German courts have sided with several organizations that stated that RapidShare is facilitating piracy which is a major concern. This is because it serves as a platform on which individuals can access movies, and othe


Without a doubt, it has become safe to say that privacy and confidentiality have become big topics with the rise of new media. As branches of new media such as social media continue to grow, more and more people begin to use them and at times may post up their confidential information or something they want to keep private within their followers or friends. Putting up confidential/private information on social media can even make you prone to hacking as hackers can use the information they find on your social media accounts such as birthday, hometown, etc. to obtain your password using the “forgot password” option. In addition, sometimes the privacy information can just be confusing, and you misuse it not knowing. An example can be seen by The Atlantic article “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private” by Rebecca Greenfield.  Greenfield talks about how Mark Zuckerberg’s sister posted a picture on Facebook that she intended to be only shared w


Since the creation and the continuing advance of new media, many can say communication has become “easier” in terms of getting a message or information across. Baruch College in my opinion may have some issues getting a message or information across. While Baruch e-mail might be handy for critical information, Baruch sometimes fails to update students on non-critical campus related events. I would use new media in the form of several T.V. screens (all connected using the internet so they all update at the same time from one source) in the hallways of each floor with events specific to that day. This way students always know what’s going on in their college that day. In addition, another way I would use new media to improve Baruch College is establish one main Baruch social media account for each social media platform with all campus related events as opposed to multiple social media accounts only specific towards a certain club, which is what we have now. 

Creativity and New Media

Hey everyone, for this assignment I decided to create an avatar of myself. This is a great way to bring out the creativity in an individual. They can either make something close to what they look like or be creative and create a completely new character with wild hair and pink eyes! I created this avatar avatar using a website I found on the internet. Below is the final product.


New Media is a very popular concept today. We are surrounded by it most places we go as it is gradually accelerating in growth. New Media refers to digital media that involves mass communication such as the internet (computer, phones, etc.). Creativity is a big topic that you see with new media. A great example can be seen through the social networking platform “YouTube”. This allows users to share content that they create themselves, whether it’s an educational video, a comedy video, or a video simply about their lifestyle. These can be all seen as forms of self-creativity. Another example can be seen by New York Times article “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?” written by Brooks Barnes. Barnes discusses how Disney is tolerating “rap-parody” videos of its characters created by content creators. One of the spokesman from Nickelodeon even noted how the editing of one of the videos was really good. This all goes to show how New Media fosters creativity and is a bre

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds which are essentially online communities that allow us to interact with one another is a concept that came with this new technology era and is continually progressing as technology advances as well. These virtual worlds can be used for a wide variety of uses such as educational purposes or even entertainment/gaming purposes. An example can be trainings, such as military exercises. On the gaming side, an example can be seen in Dave Itzkoff’s article “I’ve Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life”. Itzkoff talks about the massive amount of time he spent “hanging out” and doing activities such as going to a club in a virtual word from his computer. This is where some will say these virtual worlds have a con which is it may cause an individual to become anti-social. Spending too much time “hanging out” in a virtual world can hinder one’s ability to develop proper social and communicating skill for the real world as their face-to-face interactions decrease. On the other hand

Blog about Twitter

Discussions can be considered a very resourceful tool for individuals to share their views and thoughts on a certain topic. Although the general purpose of a discussion will stay consistent across most platforms, there may be several factors that distinguish them.  A discussion on Twitter limits users to share short messages one at a time. These short messages can play a role in limiting/hindering the message an individual is trying to get across. In addition, the up-side of Twitter is that it’s more of a “relaxed” environment as opposed to something like Blackboard. Blackboard discussions tend to have a bit more professionalism in the writing style and allows users to post longer messages. Personally, I feel an in-person discussion is most effective and best as it allows individual to have that face-to-face interaction. If the purpose is to have a large audience and involve as many people as you can in the discussion, I feel Twitter is best for that purpose as features such as the ha

Social networking sites

In today’s date, we are presented with numerous social networking sites. Today I choose to compare and write about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. All are very popular social networking sites that many use. After using all of them for quite some time, I concluded that Facebook and LinkedIn are quite similar in terms of their layout and interface. The one thing that distinguishes them is the main/intended purpose they are used for. Facebook is generally used to share thoughts, comments, and pictures, helping people, friends and families all around the globe stay connected. On the other hand, LinkedIn is quite similar except it is used with the intentions of keeping people connected on a professional basis. YouTube is a platform that allows people from all over the globe to upload and share videos sharing their content. This personally is my favorite as I use this the most as I personally like the idea of sharing content through the form of video. Out of the four social network

Social Networking

Technology is a key component in our everyday lives. Wherever we go we are faced with technology and its impacts. Technology can be very useful and help us with our everyday lives. LinkedIn can serve as a great example. This social networking platform has made it more convenient for individuals to connect with one another on a more professional basis. In addition, this platform has also made the jobs of recruiters easier as they now have a platform to search through for candidates. According to the article “Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting” by Frank Langfitt, recruiters now can search through a wide variety of individuals based on a certain skill or keyword. “But what really makes LinkedIn helpful is that it allows users to share their online Rolodexes. “Shally Steckerl used to hunt talent for Microsoft and is a leader in online recruiting. With LinkedIn, he can find people faster using a vastly increased network of contacts” (Langfitt 1). This example shown from Ste

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are great ways to get a message across or simply to be informative. Wikis are more commonly known to be used as an informative source. According to Wikipedia, “a wiki is a website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser.” (Wiki n.d) In my opinion, this is a great way for people to get together and share their knowledge. It works out well because if one person doesn’t know something or is missing some information, another person can add it and share their knowledge. Blogs can be considered as more of an “open environment.” As seen in the NY Times article, “Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blogs” one of the Wal-Mart employees, a Microsoft rep openly blogs like he’s writing in his diary. He casually blogs things such as “My life has not changed dramatically – well, for that matter, it hasn’t changed at all.” (Barbaro 1) This goes to show how people can be so open when it comes to blogs as opposed to wikis. Blog

Gurminder's Term Paper Topic

Hey Everyone!! Hope everyone is enjoying the semester so far.  For my term paper I decided to go with choice B (Analysis). After brainstorming a few topics, I decided to to dive deeper into the topic of "Social Media & Technology." Specifically, I will be discussing and analyzing the pros and cons of both. This topic seemed very interesting to me as it applies directly to us millennials as most of us are so buried under technology and actively use social media. I look forward to diving more deeper into this!